
World News B Jan.25th

1.(1) The photo was taken in Baghdad.
(2) It was April 9th 2003.
(3) The people crowds cheer as a statue of Saddam Hussein falls.
(4) サダムフセインの像が落ちて、観衆は喝采します。
 (5) I think three thousand in the place.

2.(1) I think five hundred in the place.
(2) Yes, I do.
(3) I think the photo looked like national sensitivities.
(4) The CNN have a big production out of it.
(5) I think two photos didn't look like an equal number of people.

3. I think it is important to know the truth. Because we have the right that we discover the truth.
4. I get a lot of at the information.


World News B Jan.18th

1. There are 1,591,000 people in the Britain.
2. There are 500,000 people inthe Britain.
3.More than 1.8 million people Muslims live in Britain.
this site
Almost 40,000 people Hindus live in Britain. this site.
4. Japan Figure Skating Championships at Namihaya Dome in Osaka. Mao Asada won the title for the second consecutive. She is 17 years old. She failed on a triple axel at the opening of a free skate, but she performed the rest of performance well. She got 132.41 points in the free skate and overall she won the total of 205.33 points. Miki Ando did not rearch only 1.15 points to Mao Asada.

I'm uninteresting figure skating. But Mao is younger than I. So she is very amazing. I'm looking forward to her activity.


World News B Jan.11st

1. 1st day, I went to shopping with my mother and sister. We went to“Tosu Premium Outlet”in Saga Prefecture. I bought one-piece. It’s was very cute. We enjoy shopping!!
2nd day, I went to Omura shrine with my mother and brother. I consulted an oracle. The result was “Syoukiti”. It was sensitive stuff.
2.(1) Austria, Germany and Russia called “Silvester”. In United State called “New Year's Eve”.
(2) In London, New Year's Eve's photo.
(3) JRR Tolkien. He wrote “Road Of The Rings”.
(4) Birthday of Guru Gobind Singh. Because This day marks birth of the tenth and final Sikgh prophet-teacher in 1666.
(5) Elvis Presley. He is American singer, musician and actor.
(6) Al Hijra is Muslim. Because the Islamic New Year begins on the day.
(7) Robert Scott.
(8) AA Milne. He wrote “Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree”.
(9) Sir Winston Churchill. He was prime minister.
(10) I think, this calendar is obit.
3. This news. This tower stand to build of 5bilion. I'm suprising.