
World News B Jan.18th

1. There are 1,591,000 people in the Britain.
2. There are 500,000 people inthe Britain.
3.More than 1.8 million people Muslims live in Britain.
this site
Almost 40,000 people Hindus live in Britain. this site.
4. Japan Figure Skating Championships at Namihaya Dome in Osaka. Mao Asada won the title for the second consecutive. She is 17 years old. She failed on a triple axel at the opening of a free skate, but she performed the rest of performance well. She got 132.41 points in the free skate and overall she won the total of 205.33 points. Miki Ando did not rearch only 1.15 points to Mao Asada.

I'm uninteresting figure skating. But Mao is younger than I. So she is very amazing. I'm looking forward to her activity.

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